Saturday, May 23, 2009

Continued Experiments

Playing with some things and trying to expand my knowledge of Photoshop. The more I learn I realize how little I know.
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In this I was just playing with a few variants. This sort of design seems to be hip with logos these days so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Another of my stupid friends got stupid married. The only good thing about these events is that we take some epic manshots. I took this picture and then did some of the same things I did with the Milwaukee picture a few entries ago. Turned out alright.

This one was an attempt to make fake water. The picture was originally all mountains. Outside of the no visible shore thing, I think this served well for the experiment

Very Nice

I did this for my mom for Mother's Day. I printed it out and put it in a nice frame and set it up on a table and waited for her to notice. She liked it. "I like when you make me nice things." which I thought was a bit of a cryptic reply to seeing it. "When you were in grade school you made me a Christmas had a Medusa Santa on the front of it. This is much nicer." I dont remember making a Medusa Santa card for her, but I have to admit that a Medusa Santa sounds pretty bad ass.