Monday, December 21, 2009

Ice Leaf

two different post processing treatments

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

$10 Off

If you are awesome and intend to buy my book, doing so by 12/31/09 can save you a Hamilton. That would almost make you an Anti-Aaron Burr! But Jonathan, how do I save this ten spot? Well sir or madam, all you have to do is enter this coupon code when going through the order process: GREATGIFT
That's it. Has saving on my art every been easier? Never.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm an Author!

Well, kinda. I didnt really write anything. I did however publish a book of my early works in photography. I made it originally as an Xmas gift for my family, but I've decided to open it to the public as well. Take a look and buy a copy if you're so inclined. I'm not making a ton off of it, but I get a little for each copy. I've seen them and they look really nice.

Here's a link to the site to purchase one

Wednesday, December 2, 2009